CV Escrow | Three Items To Take Care of After Closing Escrow
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Three Items To Take Care of After Closing Escrow

Three Items To Take Care of After Closing Escrow

Closing Escrow Home TipsClosing escrow on a home is a huge accomplishment, however as many home owners know, the work doesn’t end there. There are three items that should be taken care of immediately after the home comes into your ownership. Not only will completing these items help you sleep better at night after making such an important investment, but they will also help you take advantage of the many perks you are entitled to as a recent home owner.

Re-Key the Home

Although this may seem like a tiny, petty little thing, it is actually a simple, inexpensive action that can help to ensure the safety of your family and your belongings, which is of course priceless. If you fail to re-key your home, you are essentially inviting anyone that may have ever come into possession of a key to yourself into your home to help themselves to your belongings. This action should be taken as quickly as possible after closing escrow, even if the chances of a break-in seem remote.

Set Reminders for Your Home Warranty Expiration

If you’ve purchased a home warranty you have one year in which you’ll be covered. Make sure you take advantage of that one year policy. Right after you close escrow, put the customer service contact for your home warranty provider into your phone. This way, if anything comes up throughout the first year, you have access to the number and can easily inquire about the situation. Even if something arises that you don’t think will be covered, it never hurts to ask.

In addition to the contact information, set reminders on your phone or on your calendar for the 345th day after you close escrow. On this day, go around your home and check to make sure everything is in working order. Jiggle and flush toilets, run the heat and air conditioner, check all the sinks for leaks. If you find something that isn’t up to par, you have plenty of time to get someone in to fix it while the home is still under warranty.

Set Reminders for Termite Inspections

Like your home warranty, the clock also starts ticking on your termite repair warranty and inspections the second you close escrow. Prepare yourself to reap the advantages of these provisions by getting the number of the termite company into your phone’s contacts and again setting some reminders for yourself.

The first reminder should again be for the 345th day after escrow closes. While your checking your faucets, toilets and such, take stock of any repairs that were done due to termite damage. If something doesn’t look right, you can call the termite company to come out and make repairs while still under warranty.

The second reminder should be for the 700th day after you close escrow. On this day you can call the termite company out for a re-inspection. If your house was treated, you have a two-year warranty for re-inspection and treatment. Give yourself ample time to get the inspector out and to get any repairs completed before that two-year mark is up.

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