18 May A Few Words About Resilience From Our President, Jeff Russell
Resilience feels like a pretty important trait to have right now. And, as we mentally prepare to start a new week in territory that still feels uncertain, I want to encourage you to think about resilience.
Here is a quote that I love by Elizabeth Edwards:
Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.
So, how do we put together something that is good?
I’m grateful for the Pango Group values because they are more relevant now than ever before.
Have moxie.
Is a client struggling with a challenge? Is a co-worker struggling with working in an isolated office? Having moxie is all about having the courage and drive to help find a solution to a challenge that might seem like a lost cause. Your fighting spirit can help lift someone up that is lacking that strength.
Exude grace and kindness.
We can’t hug friends right now, and our clients can’t come in to see us face-to-face. So, whether it’s smiling when you pass someone in your car or telling grocery store workers how much you appreciate them, it’s time for all of us to find ways to weave small acts of kindness into our days. Think about the little things you can do throughout the day to make grace and kindness a central part of it. Your small gestures might be just the lift that someone needs to mentally get through another day.
We will get through this, and our team is here for you. So, please reach out if you need any type of escrow assistance. Stay strong and healthy.
Life is still good! — Jeff
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