31 May Finding the Good in Pain: A Few Thoughts From Our President, Jeff Russell
There is so much good in our lives each and every day, but at the same time, there are moments of pain. And those are the moments we try so hard to avoid. What if we processed those moments a little differently?
I don’t have the answers, but I do have a few thoughts.
During those uncomfortable, painful events and times, what if we took a moment to stop and say, “World, God, cosmos, I can’t make any sense of this, but I have to believe that something good will come of this.”
Making that statement doesn’t mean that the good will be better, but instead, just something positive.
Here’s a personal experience I had… I lost my brother almost seven years ago. It sucks. I really miss him. The good that came out of that is that I grew closer to his kids – more so than I would have ever been had he not passed. I am a better son, and I am a better brother than I was before he died. At least I think I am?
Don’t get me wrong; I would trade all of that to have him back. But good did come from the pain.
In the coming weeks, I encourage you to look at the pain or discomfort you may experience and acknowledge there is most likely something good and positive on the other side. It’s just about finding the patience to get through the storm and having the openness to accept it when it arrives.
Life is good. – Jeff
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