Posted at 00:00h
by cvescrow
The Buyer’s Choice Act (AB 957) was established to protect the buyer’s right in an REO transaction in having a choice as to which Escrow Company and Title Company is used. This sounds great, although in many cases it can be a benefit to...
Tuesdays, here at the CV Escrow website, we post Technology Tips designed to help you, the Realtor, grow your business, keep up to date on the latest technologies, and move you forward into the new era of real estate.
Google is used by millions of...
Posted at 00:00h
Escrow 101
by cvescrow
The escrow process can be a complicated and often technical necessity of buying and selling real estate. The escrow company and its officer have many duties to juggle on behalf of the Realtor, Seller, and Buyer during the real estate transaction. Understanding the various duties...
Every Tuesday, here at the CV Escrow website, we post Technology Tips designed to help you, the Realtor, grow your business, keep up to date on the latest technologies, and move you forward into the new era of real estate.
If one of your New Year's...
Posted at 00:00h
by cvescrow
Do you have a foreign investor or buyer looking to purchase a home in California? Our experience has been that if the client writes a personal check drawn on a foreign bank, it may take several weeks to be able to verify that the check...
Every Tuesday, here at the CV Escrow website, we post Technology Tips designed to help you, the Realtor, grow your business, keep up to date on the latest technologies, and move you forward into the new era of Real Estate.
Which image is...